Cargo transportation

We transport cargos by tilt semitrailers and isothermal refrigerators, therefore we are sure that we will be able to offer transportation of goods of any kind.


Geography of cargo transportation is also very wide, starting from any European country to the far off Russia. Our automobile park includes only new tow-trucks and tow trucks of only several years, therefore transportations are performed in due time and without larger technical troubles. Division of the automobile park into the separate segments allows to control each automobile more strictly and expeditiously, to respond more flexibly into changes in the market, to specialize in transportation of cargos of a certain type (perishable products, special deliveries, precious cargos, etc.). Meanwhile, joining of all companies into one group allows to service large-scale customers, to perform the obligations of the annual contracts, to transport each cargo during any season and strictly in accordance of the delivery terms.